Episode 219 - What makes an Independent Brewery? SIBA's Indie Beer Campaign

Recently SIBA (The Society for Independent Brewers and Associates) launched their Indie Beer campaign, designed to define what independent beer really is.  According to SIBA, ‘Independent beer is handmade by real people who truly care about the quality and flavour of the beer they are producing’. They have also produced a set of guidelines to determine which breweries are independent and a tool for consumers to check which breweries meet the criteria.


We look at SIBA’s criteria and ask if this really does the UK craft beer industry justice.  We compare it to the Brewer’s Association in America’s criteria to define craft beer and add our own thoughts on how we choose the beer we drink and breweries we support.


Does SIBA’s criteria help those that are confused about independent beer, or is it creating barriers for certain breweries? 


Let us know your thoughts on the Indie Beer campaign in the comments.


You can find out more about the campaign here:



This article from SIBA details their reasoning and research:



You can see the Brewers Association definition here:




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Tori: @adventures_in_hoptimism

Joanne: @lovebeerlearning

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Music: Higher Up by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

Joanne Love

Certified Cicerone Ⓡ, podcast host, beer educator and events manager, Joanne Love is all beer, all the time. Through her beer school Love Beer Learning and as co-host of A Woman’s Brew - The Podcast she helps beer lovers taste beer with confidence.


Episode 220 - Beer Mystery: Tartarus’ Goddess Series


Episode 218 - A Conversation With… Tom Canning